The problem of science in Padma Awards

Cheruvayal K. Raman was awarded the Padma Shri for conserving more than 50 varieties of rice in a modest farm in Wayanad. , Photo Credit: Mustafa KK

sEver since the Government of India began conferring the Padma Awards in 1955, the work of awardees in the ‘Science and Engineering’ category has often been related to mechanical engineering, materials science, metallurgy, aeronautics, space science, agriculture, plant breeding, mathematics Used to be. and theoretical physics. Scientific work in these areas is generally recognized by scientific papers, but plant breeding may be a notable exception.

The work of a plant breeder may be evident on paper or in the form of a plant variety that many cultivators adopt, that has beneficial properties and/or that is being conserved. This in turn raises a useful question about the popular perception of science.

concept of science

Science in practice is distinguished by, among other things, following the rituals of the scientific method and academic publication. But its social identity is that of an activity that is allowed to be practiced only by a highly and specially trained group of people, whose language and texts are incomprehensible to the people at large, and whose findings are not recognized by that knowledge. Knowledge that is not considered superior to open and organized by the same rules.

Successful plant breeders tend to disregard the latter, but they also deviate from the former. Therefore, perhaps they should be rewarded under a category called ‘Agriculture and Seeds’, which is separate from ‘Science and Engineering’, if only to point out that the breakthrough in question may not be a scientific breakthrough per se.

The work of two recipients of this year’s Padma Awards shows what can happen when we take science’s lack of adherence to rituals to extremes. Cheruvayal K. Raman was awarded the Padma Shri for conserving more than 50 varieties of rice in a modest farm in Wayanad. He was not formally trained as a botanist or scientist, nor does he appear to have published scientific papers. Yet Sri Raman has been recognized “for conserving agro-biodiversity of plants” and for conserving seed varieties that can strengthen India’s food security in the face of the climate crisis.

Over the years, agricultural scientists have understood the scientific basis of the work of people like Sri Raman, long before the advent of science. There is actually a scientific basis, which is probably why successful plant-breeding efforts are recognized in the ‘Science and Engineering’ category. However, as stated earlier, such grounds alone do not make something science.

But then, what is the interpretation of Padma Shri in ‘Science and Engineering’ for Khadar Wali Dudekula? Mr. Dudekula is credited with popularizing the dietary benefits of millet, but his prescriptions also include scientifically questionable ingredients such as homeopathy; consuming millet to “prevent” or “treat” various cancers, diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS); And avoid the consumption of milk, eggs and non-vegetarian food.

Like Mr. Raman, Mr. Dudekula has not published any scientific papers demonstrating the efficacy of these claims. But unlike Mr. Raman, scientists have not found a scientific basis for homeopathy or millet-based cures for cancer, diabetes and PCOS; And unlike Mr. Raman, Mr. Dudekula’s claims undermine important, time-sensitive dietary and medical interventions.

Through clinical trials, we know how and why these interventions work, we can reproduce their effects, and there is a process (at least on paper) by which we can hold errant practitioners accountable. Can stay We also know, thanks to the efforts of experts like Dr. Abby Phillips, what we risk when we ignore the almost inevitable side effects of ‘conventional’ medicine and delay tested treatments. Dr. Phillips has documented numerous instances of people consuming ‘natural cures’ because they underestimate the therapeutic effects of treatments by downplaying their potential to be harmful and/or impotent against their condition. Milk and eggs are also important and cheap sources of minerals and protein, while a section of Ayurveda, which Mr. Dudekula has largely accepted, is devoted to the benefits of a non-vegetarian diet.

compromise trust

We should not celebrate alternative systems that compromise faith in scientifically tested medicines in the midst of a pandemic and multiple epidemics (including tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS). Increased access to and consumption of millet may help India reduce its crippling prevalence of anemia, but claiming prophylactic and therapeutic effects against cancer from here is a huge leap and certainly needs further investigation.

Before conferring any Padma Award in the ‘Science and Engineering’ category, the Government of India should ensure that the claim is scientifically valid and, in general, encourage systematic verification of all such claims before accolades. Otherwise, the action defies the aims of science, civic appreciation and the government’s own public health system.