The reason behind Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and why China issued threats

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday evening Amidst China’s threats regarding the decision. Last week, President Xi Jinping warned US President Joe Biden not to “play with fire” (provoking China).

By flying to Taiwan, an island claimed by China, Pelosi became the highest-ranking elected US official to visit the self-governing island in more than 25 years. In retaliation, at least 21 Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defense area.

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Why has Pelosi visited Taiwan?

“Our visit reiterates that the United States stands with Taiwan: a strong, vibrant democracy and our valued partner in the Indo-Pacific,” Pelosi tweeted after arriving in Taiwan.

In another tweet, she said, “The visit of our delegation to Taiwan honors America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy. Our discussions with Taiwan’s leadership reaffirm our support for our partner.” and promotes our common interests, including advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region.”

The tweets themselves reveal the reason behind Pelosi’s visit to the island. As a politician, Pelosi has often criticized China mainly on the grounds of human rights violations. This time, Pelosi said in an opinion published by The Washington Post upon her arrival in Taiwan, citing America’s commitment to a democratic Taiwan under the 1979 law, “We must stand by Taiwan. It is imperative that Let America and our allies make it clear that we never bow down to autocrats.

Pelosi, who led a congressional delegation to Ukraine’s capital Kyiv in the spring, is preparing her visit to Taiwan as part of a broader mission at a time when “the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy”. Is.” For decades, Pelosi has made it a mission to show support for troubled democracy movements.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (Photo Credits: Twitter/@MOFA_Taiwan)

In addition, Pelosi had planned the trip in April, but it was postponed after testing positive for COVID-19.

Why is China angry at Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan?

First, China claims Taiwan as part of its territory, and according to the country, the presence of a senior US figure here would signal a kind of American support for Taiwan’s independence.

Another reason China is angry is that President Xi warned last week that he was “playing with fire” during a phone call with Biden. Despite this, Pelosi went down there ignoring the threats.

Pelosi’s visit comes at a politically sensitive time for China, which could receive a strong backlash from Beijing. “This is a very tense time in Chinese domestic politics. Xi himself and many other members of the elite in China will see the Pelosi visit as an insult to Xi Jinping (and) his leadership. And that means he is forced to react.” A way to show your strength.” CNN quoted Susan L. Shirk, chair of the 21st Century China Center at UC San Diego.

However, some experts believe it could also mean that the Communist Party wants to ensure stability and prevent things from spiraling out of control.

How has China reacted?

Responding to Pelosi’s arrival, China’s foreign ministry said the visit would have a “serious impact on the political foundations of Sino-US relations.” “In response to the visit of the US President, China will certainly take all necessary measures to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the statement said.

A spokesman for China’s Defense Ministry, as reported by CNN, said the People’s Liberation Army was “on high alert” and would “launch a series of targeted military operations to counter the situation, protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity”. integrity, and utterly fail.” interference from outside forces and ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist plans.”

What is our stand on Taiwan and what is its response?

The Biden administration has said the United States remains committed to its “one-China policy”. The US has maintained a ‘One China’ policy since the 1970s, under which it recognizes Taiwan as part of China. But he has informal relations. Even with Taiwan. Beijing considers Taiwan to be part of China, has repeatedly threatened it, and does not rule out taking the island by military force at any time.

Also, while Biden expressed some caution about Pelosi’s visit, his administration did not openly oppose it. Prior to Pelosi’s visit, the US had said it was up to him to decide whether to leave.

On Monday, the US military increased its activities in the Indo-Pacific region and the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group were in the Philippine Sea. independent.

What is Taiwan taking on Pelosi’s journey?

“US-Taiwan friendship forever” – Pelosi’s welcoming message appeared on the iconic Taipei 101 skyscraper at the airport. The US president was received by Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu.

On Wednesday, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen met Pelosi and her delegation at Rashtrapati Bhavan and said, “We will do whatever we can to strengthen Taiwan’s sovereignty.”

“Speaker Pelosi has not only long supported Taiwan, but also focused on Taiwan’s democratic development and regional peace and security.” independent Presidential spokesman Xavier Chang was quoted as saying.

Read also | Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan threatens peace, stability: China warns US

Read also | With Taiwan Tour, Nancy Pelosi Makes a Career of Standing Up to China

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