The Sambalpur Sital Shashti Committee awarded a contract for silver tableau-cum-throne worth one crore rupees to the craftsman. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: After Cuttack, it is the city of Western Odisha Sambalpur It seems to have been liked for silver silver table.
NS Nandpara Setal Shashthi Yatra CommitteeSambalpur has ordered a Silver Throne-cum-Tableau (Parbha) with National Award winning Master Craftsman from Cuttack Pankaj Sahu.
The filigree work, costing about Rs 1 crore, will consist of at least 500 American diamonds of 12 to 14 carats, which will be bought from jewelers in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
The “Parbha” will be used by Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati for “Nagar Parikrama” during the famous Sitaal Shashthi festival to be held in June.
“The committee approached me after seeing the 8.5 feet tableau that I had made for Goddess Patneshwari of Sambalpur,” said Sahu, who also made silver mementos given during the men’s hockey World Cup.
More than 100 kg of silver will be used for the 12 feet high and 10 feet wide tableau. “People of our locality have donated money and silver for ‘Parbha’. Samir Ranjan Babu, president of Nandapara Setal Shashthi Yatra Samiti, said that the initial estimate was around Rs 70 lakh, but now it has gone up to Rs 1 crore with the increase in the price of silver. Each American diamond will cost Rs 700 to Rs 800 per piece.
Though work on the tableau began in 2018, it had to be halted during the pandemic to resume in September this year. At present 10 to 12 artisans are working on it. Around 60 kg of silver has already been prepared and handed over to the committee members to install them on the metal frame.
“We had planned the tableau 12 to 13 years ago and have already made gold ornaments worth Rs 26 lakh for the deities,” Babu said.


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