The Sauces and Spices That Are Secretly Aggravating Your Diabetes The Times of India

There are many store-bought salad dressings that are creamy and indulgent, but you’ll be shocked to learn that these delicious dressings are high in sugar, starchy corn syrup, sodium, preservatives, and saturated fat. So, if you’re choosing your salad dressing that’s labeled as low-fat, low-calorie, low-sugar, you need to stop and think twice! This is because the savory flavor is obtained by adding additional sugar and the creamy texture is obtained by adding vegetable oil and added fat. More related to the inclusion of chemical-based preservatives, which can increase the risk of several types of cancer. In fact, Creamy Ranch Dressing has about 145 calories, 328 calories sodium, 15 grams of fat in just 2 tablespoons, which can ruin your healthy meal.
