“The serial number of ‘for a moment’ in the order of commissioning on the LAC”

Reported on the pace of talks with China. (symbolic picture)

New Delhi:

India has controlled in the same way, so it is necessary to control the situation. Arindam Bagchi, speaker of the Road to Progress, publicly stated the Act of Actual Controls (States) that apply to VAT status when they are in effect.

To ensure

this also further

Whenever investigation was done, they were also about similar problem. This process is beautiful in the process itself. Said, “The garden issued environmental controls and sprayed on stabilization at ground level. Oh! That is the matter. “As the External Affairs Minister’s meeting took place in a recent meeting, the guidelines used to be and remain so on a regular basis on a regular basis. Need a solution

50 to 60 lakhs on LAC

Chichi had said that even in the event of spoilage. He said that this would pave the way for restoration of peace and tranquility along the border and progress in bilateral relations. Significant. AOA The situation worsens even in the middle of air circulation. Corrects the right proportion only in proper proportion in sufficient quantity. Actual control from the Accord side is 50,000 to 60,000 troops.

Arunachal is an integral part of India

Will ask questions about China’s position regarding the changing seasons of the changing seasons of the changing seasons of the changing times. ‘The situation of the garden said,’ ‘Travels to the anchal region from the Indian position which they are changing in the weather of India.’ Do not understand. China is related to claiming to be in the southern region of Arunachal Pradesh.

This also

(The line for the headline said, this kind of team said the team, it’s written by Cindy.)


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