The severity of covid will reduce but…: WHO key 3 scenarios on how the pandemic develops

World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus notified that the severity of COVID would decrease over time, but warned that we need to be vigilant and protected as the more virulent and highly contagious COVID19 virus emerges. Is. In addition, he laid out three possible scenarios for how the pandemic will develop this year. This comes at a time when the entire world is witnessing a massive COVID surge caused by the Omicron BA.2 subvariant.

3 ways of how the COVID pandemic will develop this year:

During a briefing on Wednesday, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus explained that based on what is now known, the most likely scenario is that the COVID-19 virus is evolving, but the disease caused by The severity of the disease decreases over time as does immunity. Increases due to vaccination and infection.

“There may be periodic spikes in COVID19 cases and deaths in the form of decreased immunity, which may require periodic boosts for vulnerable populations. In a best-case scenario, we may see less severe forms emerge, and boosters or new formulations of vaccines will not be necessary.”

In a worst-case scenario, a more virulent and highly transmissible #COVID19 virus forms. Against this new threat, the protection of people from serious illness and death from earlier vaccination or infection would sharply be reduced, he said.

And to deal with this situation, the current COVID19 vaccines need to be changed significantly and ensure that they reach people who are vulnerable to serious illness.

So how do we proceed to end the acute phase of COVID?

Responding to this, the WHO chief said that “… for this countries need to invest in 5 main components.” And these are:

  • First – surveillance, laboratories and public health intelligence.
  • Second – vaccination, public health and social measures and engaged communities.
  • Third – clinical care for COVID19, and resilient healthcare systems.
  • Fourth – equitable access to research and development, and equipment and supplies
  • Fifth- coordination, as a response transition from an emergency mode to long-term respiratory disease management

The updated Strategic Preparedness, Preparedness and Response Plan sets out the strategic adjustments that each country needs to make to address drivers of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, reduce the impact of COVID-19 and end the global emergency .

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