The social worker was stabbed to death by the teenagers he wanted to reform. Nagpur News – Times of India

Nagpur: Sunil Javade, 46, a Social Worker A Samata Sainik Dal worker and activist was stabbed to death in front of his residence at Long March Chowk in Rambagh. imambara in the early hours of Thursday. Javade was attacked by a gang of armed minors, including a kin, whom he had earlier reprimanded for reforming him.
One of the minors, who is likely to be the mastermind, tried to surround the police by injuring himself during interrogation at Imambara police station. Police said that a case of assault has already been registered against him.
The Imambara police had arrested the mastermind and three of his accomplices for their alleged role in the murder. There is no crime record of any minor other than the mastermind.
Sources said that Javade had earned anger for advising teenagers in the age group of 15 to 16 to improve ways and focus on careers.
Police said that Javade had left home at 5 am for his vegetable brokerage office in the cotton market. Police said the minors sprinkled chilli powder on his face, dragged him down from the bike and started stabbing him.
It is learned that the minors are addicted to banned substances, which they had consumed before the crime. He had allegedly procured drugs from a peddler of Dhantoli. Sources said that the minors had also consumed some sedative pills, which they claimed to have procured from Wardha.
Javade was also trying to keep drug addicts and wanderers away from a nearby library. There is also a temple in the nearby area which is often used for socio-religious events.
“He (Jawade) will always try to ensure that the career-oriented youths visiting the library are not distracted or disturbed by the drug addicts and vagabonds on the adjoining land. He used to drive them away to earn their anger,” said a source in the area.
According to a kin, Javade would rush to help any needy person and was known to be a good doer with a vision to improve the youth.
According to a family source, Javade had reprimanded the murder mastermind a few days ago for repeatedly trying to enter the house to attack his nephew. The face-off between the mastermind and the nephew was going on for a long time. The source said, “Jawade had earlier asked the mastermind to deal with his nephew outside and not come to his house.
The social worker had also approached the police on the issue in May this year. It is not known what action was taken.
It has been learned that some social organizations have submitted a memorandum to the senior police officers demanding strict action against the criminals.
