The tabloid says Rishi Sunak’s grandfather ‘was an RSS member, taught Kenyan rebels to fight the British.’

New Delhi: Rishi Sunak’s grandfather, Ramdas Sunak, Was a “member” of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), says a report published in a British tabloid daily MailCiting contents of an unpublished book by veteran journalist Shyam Bhatia.

The report published on Saturday is titled, “Rishi Sunak’s grandfather ‘trained Mau Mau militants who fought the British in Kenya’: PM’s late relative Ramdas Sunak taught guerrilla techniques to rebels and was part of a Hindu supremacist group – despite being on UK’s colonial payroll , claims the book.

These alleged details about the past of Ramdas Sunak, the grandfather of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, have been revealed by Shyam Bhatia, a British journalist of Indian origin, who will publish his findings in his book, the report said.

Report author Abul Taher wrote, “Political observers say Ramdas’s ties to the RSS could be embarrassing for the PM, as the group was banned three times in India for extremism.”

The report further states that Sunak’s grandfather was also a sympathizer of the Mau Mau rebellion of 1950, which is considered A turning point in Kenyan history and a key element in the path to independence from British colonialism.

daily Mail The report quoted family sources as saying Ramdas Sunak Moved to Nairobi from Punjab as a youth and was involved in schooling Mau Mau militants in guerrilla techniques.

Tahir also claimed that Ramdas’ activities were carried out despite being on the payroll of the British. Taher wrote that he was a trained accountant who worked as a clerk and then a senior administrator in the departments of finance and justice.

The British tabloid’s report further states that as recently as last (Friday) night, commentators spoke of the “irony” of Rishi Sunak following the fact that his grandfather had fought against British rule.

The report states that Ramdas allegedly became involved in the fight for Kenyan independence through a childhood friend from India, Makhan Singh, who went on to become a prominent trade unionist in Kenya and a sympathizer of the Mau Mau rebels.

Reportedly, after independence when Kenya became unfriendly to Indians, Ramadoss decided to move countries again, settling in Southampton.

There, Taher wrote, Ramdas Sunak helped establish the Vedic Samaj Hindu temple and died before it could open its doors to worshippers.

(Editing by Richa Mishra)

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