The UK family is devastated upon learning that they scattered the wrong person’s ashes. Full Story

In a heart-wrenching mix, a Scottish family scatters the ashes of the wrong person instead of their beloved nanny.

According to a report in the Daily Star, a family was devastated after learning that the ashes they scattered did not belong to their grandmother. The disastrous mix-up enraged the family and left them in an inconsolable situation. Eileen McLean of Kirkcaldy, Scotland, was the mother of six children.

The 54-year-old woman was suffering from pulmonary embolism and died on November 23, 2020. A service was held for Eileen McLean at Kirkaldy Crematorium on December 3, 2020.

The extremely distressed family scattered his ashes with a heavy heart. The family also noticed that Eileen’s ashes had been lying on the ground for a long time. The family now fears that all they put to rest was an empty vacuum bag.

Eileen’s daughter is in a state of shock after crematorium staff informed her about the mix-up last week. Eileen’s grieving daughter, Mary Newlands, said, “I am heartbroken. I feel numb. We have scattered someone where my mother was supposed to be. I feel for the family of this mysterious person that We are shattered. We have to live it all over again. He has six grandchildren, and they will have to go through it all over again. One of the young children helped scatter the ashes”.

When Mary told her innocent daughter that she would have to say goodbye to her grandmother again, the little one started crying.

Mary continued, “There are still so many unanswered questions. She was only 54. She didn’t deserve to be on the shelf for a year and a half.”

The crematorium has ordered further investigation into the matter and said that they were devastated for the family.

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