‘The Watcher’ series review: Ryan Murphy’s poignant tribute to American suburban thriller

Ryan Murphy piles a lot of elements into Netflix’s The Watcher to the point of suffocating his real-life source material

Ryan Murphy piles on a lot of Netflix elements Observer To the extent of suffocating your real life source material

When a call (or in this case, a letter) arrives from inside the house, Hollywood rushes to receive it, as the other side is a guaranteed successful thriller flick. sad that in his latest show ObserverProducer Ryan Murphy decided to fix something that wasn’t broken, and in the process has gone far from a perfectly good thriller that was served to him on a platter.

The Netflix series, adapted from a lengthy article about a true story that happened in 2014, retains the skeletal structure of its source material. It still revolves around a family that puts every penny of their savings to buy a dream home away from the hustle and bustle of New York and in the middle of a typical American suburb. Soon after, like the real family, the fictional Branoux, played by Naomi Watts (Nora) and Bobby Cannavale (Dean), begin receiving letters signed by someone calling himself ‘The Watcher’. In the letters, the stranger lists personal details about the two Brannock children and becomes increasingly obsessive about the renovations Brancock plans to do, literally watching their every move.

The case of ‘The Watcher’ has attracted the interest of traditional media and conspiracy theory YouTube channels alike. It’s American horror at its simplest and finest—the dread of living in your quaint white-picket fenced home—and epitomizes the complete erosion of trust in the modern neighborhood. Murphy is no stranger to this suburban horror slate of media that finds its roots in movies like The Stepford Wives, And he doesn’t waste time turning this show into one. He quickly piles it on with eccentric neighbors, strange lunches, mysteriously dead pets, a phantom doorbell, and formulaic elements of music isolated from the attic.


the creator: Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan

Throw: Naomi Watts, Bobby Cannavale, Mia Farrow, Noma Dumezweni, Richard Kind, Margo Martindale, Jennifer Coolidge, Terry Kinney, and others

Episode: 7

Story: Brannox moves to his dream home in the suburbs, but soon finds himself terrorized by anonymous letters claiming to be ‘The Watcher’.

However, it is Murphy’s urge to expand the show’s universe beyond its creative means that results in the product being confused about its style. The arrival of the disturbing letters is also accompanied by harsh introductions to the cast of the oddball residents of Boulevard Lane. Mia Farrow and Terry Kinney play Pearl and Jasper, a pair of siblings always ready to recreate American Gothic from Grant Wood, who runs a neighborhood preservation society. They frequent Brannox’s yard and are joined in this trespassing attempt by Richard Kind and Margo Martindale as track-suited retirees Mitch and Maureen. Jennifer Coolidge as Karen, the realtor and Nora’s friend from college who sold her the house, does her share of brilliant character acting.

Murphy’s past works are proof that he can pull together a powerful group of actors, but Observer It is proof that they can do so much with a scrapped script. The next seven episodes cycle through Nora and Dean suspecting these characters to be The Watchers, as they attempt to DIY a police investigation from their basement. The show drops the ball here and features almost identical episodes for each suspect.

Brannox stumbles upon a clue or makes up one in his mind, and is joined at the drawing board by Noma Dumezweni, playing a private investigator named Theodora. Halfway through each episode, she steps in and reads her findings to the couple and then walks back out. Then, Nora and Dean angrily point fingers at their suspects but each time find themselves in a dead end.

Brannox’s frustration becomes the audience’s frustration because there are times when only one trick can be tolerated. Burdening the drama with one lead per episode, Murphy is unable to wrap everything up. He leaves you plenty of threads to follow, including the essence of suburbia where you’re drowning in doubt. But the tone of the show suggests its ultimate goal for these threads to lead us to a singular criminal, and not leave us and Brannox in fear.

An engaging thriller doesn’t try to best its audience but instead leads them through clues. Observer Indulges in too many distracting performances, which means you have to put off the smell, for the show’s repeated “gotcha!” in your face. However, it is not devoid of the qualities that focus on highlighting the family at the center of this drama. As fear takes control of their actions, Bobby Cannavale and Naomi Watts give layered performances as the spiraling husband and the suspicious but determined wife. These are plot sequences that seem tightly written. At one point, Nora points the finger of suspicion at her husband and Watts manages to spread this sentiment over several episodes to keep the audience hooked.

If the story of the real Watchmen can be considered a blueprint, it is to Murphy’s loss that he fills in the gaps with so many distractions that the main culprit simply disappears from sight. At one point, it seems the show has a leg up on Murphy’s popular anthology, American Horror Story And american crime story, Not knowing which genre to pursue for its flourishing, the show’s ending leaves much to be desired and a safe farewell to a true crime drama that had the luxury of a blank canvas.

The Watcher is currently streaming on Netflix