The woman found a sugar bowl stuck in another and sought help from the internet. His post has now gone viral

The woman posted the picture on Twitter.

A tweet by a woman seeking help from social media users has gone viral. In the Twitter thread, she posted a picture of two ceramic bowls stacked into each other and wanted to take them out.

“Twitter, I need your help. I put one ceramic bowl in another while making the pots and now they’re stuck. How do you remove the smaller bowl without breaking both? Why am I investing so much? I Tried to fix this for 2 days, and I can’t give up now,” Chi Nguyen said in her first tweet, explaining the problem. It alone has been liked over 35,000 times and commented on by over 7,500 people.

In subsequent tweets, the woman explained that she had “tried so far”: hot soapy water, oil on the sides, microwave, aggressive shaking, immersion in water, upside down, rotating inner bowl, tapping outer bowl, card, toothpicks and straw.

But the woman, who describes herself as an artist on Twitter and hails from New York, said the bowls still stuck. The post was flooded with comments.

One user commented, “You know that tool that gets dents out of cars. It’s like a suction cup? Or what high tech criminals use to get the glass out? You need it ,” commented one user.

“Counter-rotating bowls can leave stitches. Without squeezing too hard, hold the outer bowl by the rim. Using something like a jar gripper, reach into the inner bowl and press outward slightly. Then rotate in opposite directions. Obviously It requires 4ish hands,” said another.

Some users were enjoying the comments, while others found them very helpful, claiming they were facing a similar problem.

In her last tweet, the woman thanked users who came forward to help, saying, “Let’s all rest tonight, knowing these bowls will be together tomorrow.”

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