These 7 Low-Calorie Breakfast Recipes Can Be Made in 30 Minutes and Are Perfect for Busy Mornings

Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day, but you might not have time to prepare something great every morning. We’ve compiled a list of quick and low-calorie breakfast options that will brighten up even the busiest mornings. This list of the most delicious and satisfying breakfast recipes will inspire you to even get out of bed. Are you craving for something delicious? Well, we have green peas upma on the menu. If you want eggs, we’ve got you covered there too. The best part is that these low-calorie breakfasts are ready in about 30 minutes.

1) Low Calorie Oats Idli

Oats Idli is a low-calorie snack that is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. It strikes the optimum balance between taste and health. This is a simple recipe which goes well with onion chutney. Since oats are strong in minerals, vitamins and protein, this dish has high nutritional value without sacrificing flavor.

2) Quinoa Pancakes

Pancakes can be a delicious breakfast option, packed with flavor and health. These quinoa pancakes can be prepared in just 20 minutes. You only need a few ingredients including quinoa flour, milk, salt, honey, which are easily available at home and you are ready to taste this treat. Don’t forget to pair it with maple syrup and fresh fruit.


3) Sprouts Chaat

Not only does this dish save you time when you are in a hurry, but it also provides your body with some essential vitamins. Sprouts Chaat is a delicious combination of Kala Chana, Soyabean, Moong Dal, Rajma and other traditional chaat ingredients. And it is low in calories.

4) Green Pea Upma

Most of us prefer to stick to traditional breakfast options when we start our day. So, in times like these, you can safely put your trust in this delicious Green Pea Upma that is packed with protein and cooked with simple spices. People who are trying to lose weight can have this breakfast without any worries. Green Pea Upma is light, tasty and simple.


5) Moong Dal Chila

If you want to make a super tasty and nutritious breakfast in less than 30 minutes, then this Indian pancake will never let you down. Moong Dal Cheela is also low in calories. Of course, you are free to use whatever toppings you choose. However, many people prefer it with homemade pickles or chutneys.


6) Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are one of the simplest and low-calorie ways to prepare and eat eggs. These can be made in less than 10 minutes. When you have no idea about breakfast but want to eat something that will tickle your taste buds, try these scrambled eggs.

7) Poha

This breakfast dish is high in nutritious content and is also weight loss friendly. It requires some easily available ingredients like onions and curry leaves. Poha can be the answer to your lazy mornings.


Try these easy and low-calorie breakfast ideas for a delicious meal rustle on busy mornings.