These are 7 home chutney recipes that go best with your meals

Many of you may think of chutney as a food accompaniment confined only to the margins of the plate. But its place in Indian cuisine is undeniable. Chutney is prepared in different ways in different households. However, the purpose is the same – to create a side dish that will make your meal more interesting. Interestingly, Indian chutneys are loaded with health benefits and this is a very good reason to consume them from time to time. Moreover, it is hard to resist the sweet, spicy and tangy taste of chutney which takes your taste buds on a gastronomic ride.

We have compiled a list of some interesting chutneys that can be easily prepared at home. Check it out and try it at home this week.

1) tomato sauce

When you talk about homemade chutneys, this tangy chutney is the first thing that comes to mind. This recipe calls for cooking the tomatoes in a variety of spices. You can easily eat it with pakodas or with your regular meals.

Tomato chutney is spicy and delicious

2) raw mango chutney

We bet you would love to indulge in juicy fresh mangoes in summers. But, here is how you can use raw mangoes. Prepare this raw mango chutney with spices in summer and keep it for later use.

3) All Purpose Garlic Chutney Powder

Are you familiar with the red powder chutney that comes with your plate of Vada Pav? Well you can easily make it at home too. Not only vada pav, you can enjoy this chutney with any food of your choice. It is a good combination of garlic, peanut and sesame. Add Kashmiri chili powder for that beautiful red color.

garlic sauce
delicious garlic chutney

4) Coconut chutney

How can we miss coconut chutney? South Indian dishes like idli-sambar or dosa are incomplete without this delicious spice. This recipe will hardly take you 10 minutes. It is high in taste and nutrition.

(Also read: ,

5) Mint and Turmeric Chutney (Village Style)

If you want to enjoy chutney made in a rustic style, then check out this recipe. This chutney is often eaten with pakoras or other fried things. It is a delicious blend of mint, turmeric and coriander leaves. Use your traditional silbatte (stone spice grinder) to prepare this delectable chutney and you will be licking your fingers.


Try this village mint chutney

6) plum sauce

You can also make a delicious side dish from prunes. The plums come together with several spices for this chutney. If you haven’t tried it yet, now is the perfect time to do so.

7) amla chutney

If you are bored with your regular meals, how about trying out this delicious chutney? Amla is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. But if not for the health benefits, then you must try it for the taste.

amla chutney

Try Delicious Amla Chutney

These delicious chutneys will surely enhance the taste of a mundane meal. Try these at home now!
