These lifestyle habits can increase the risk of brain stroke, read more

Brain stroke is a serious threat to individuals and some of our lifestyle habits give an open invitation to this medical emergency. Before we move on to these lifestyle habits, it is important to know what exactly is a brain stroke? Brain stroke is a serious condition that occurs when the blood supply to different or any part of the brain is interrupted. Due to blockage or delay in blood supply, brain tissue does not receive oxygen and nutrients, leading to stroke.

From unhealthy eating to excessive smoking, there are many lifestyle choices that can increase your chances of experiencing a stroke. Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers Expose That taking birth control pills may also increase the risk of experiencing a stroke. The combined oral contraceptive pill and contraceptive patch contain the hormone estrogen, which increases the risk of stroke. The research highlights some of the lifestyle habits that lead to brain stroke:

no physical activity

With work from home, physical activity has become much more restricted. Being inactive without any movement can only make you fat, and may invite a series of major diseases later on. This makes you vulnerable to chronic conditions and increases the risk of stroke. Regular exercise and healthy eating can protect you from all kinds of life-threatening conditions and complications, in the form of a brain stroke.


In addition to impairing your heart health and respiratory function, cigarette smoking puts a person at higher risk of stroke. Experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine have said that smoking almost doubles the risk of ischemic stroke.

binge drinking

Researchers condemn binge drinking because it can lead to stroke. It is said that more than two drinks per day raises your blood pressure. According to the National Health Service (NHS) definition, binge drinking refers to drinking too much or getting drunk in a short period of time. Whereas for men, 8 units of alcohol in a session is referred to as binge drinking, for women it is six units.

medical conditions

Individuals with medical conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation (AF) are at higher risk of having a stroke. Although these are all controllable risk factors, family history, age, gender are uncontrollable risk factors.

How is brain stroke treated?

If they see someone suffering from a stroke then immediate action needs to be taken. To treat ischemic stroke, doctors are advised to quickly restore blood flow to the brain. However, in the case of a hemorrhagic stroke, surgery may be recommended.

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