Thieves vandalize Hindu temple in Swindon for the fifth time, sabotage the holy altar – Times of India

London: Thieves have converted Hindu Temple After ransacking the premises and sabotaging the holy altar in Swindon and closed with many collection boxes and valuables.
at break-in Swindon Hindu Temple In Wiltshire The employees found out on Saturday. Temple President Pradeep Bhardwaj informed the police and the police Swindon Borough Council And 24×7 security is demanded to be deployed immediately. He is also calling for an urgent meeting with Wiltshire Police and the Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable, as this is the fifth break-in at Temple.
“The thieves broke into all the doors of the temple, ransacked many rooms, took away thousands of pounds of cash and other valuables,” he said.
“They have also entered the main altar of the temple, where the deities are kept, and ransacked the area – a highly sacred and sacred place where only priests are allowed to enter. This is very worrying and extremely A matter of sensitivity. Not only in Swindon, but for all Hindus UK But globally,” he said.
He said it would affect the religious sentiments of more than 10,000 people in Swindon and thousands in the region.
“This is the only Hindu temple in this entire area, county and much more, and since it was closed for the most part of the last 18 months, the community was eagerly eager to resume its normal activities, Especially since the period of the main Hindu festival has just begun,” he said. “We are at a breaking point in every sense right now,” he said.
Police and forensic teams spent several hours at the scene. A Wiltshire police spokesman confirmed that officers were called to the location on Saturday “after a burglary which is believed to have happened the night before.” Inquiry continues.


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