Think about Kasturi while setting password, advises Uttarakhand Police. why over here

The Uttarakhand Police Is Up To Tech Billionaire Elon Musk To Explain The Importance Of Strong Passwords

New Delhi:

How often do you change your password? And, even if you change them frequently, are they safe? Chances are most people have simple passwords that are easy to understand, putting their accounts at risk of hacking and other forms of abuse. Even though the Uttarakhand Police Department has said this in a funny way in its new social media post on the occasion of International Password Day. In fact, the police department has relied on tech billionaire Elon Musk to drive home the importance of strong passwords.

In a tweet shared on Thursday, the Uttarakhand Police Department said, “This International Password Day, make sure your password is as tough as Elon Musk’s son’s name for optimum digital security. Be cyber safe.”

A poster attached to the tweet read, “Elon Musk named his son X A-Xii and you can’t think of a strong and reliable password? Happy Password Day.”

For those unaware, International Password Day is observed on the first Thursday of May and focuses on the need to improve password strength as a first line of defense against cybersecurity attacks. To drive home the importance of secure passwords, the day was set aside by Intel Security in 2013. It is also known as World Password Day.

There are several ways in which you can promote secure passwords. For example, educating end-users about the consequences of having weak passwords can help with this cause. You can also use innovative tools, as the Uttarakhand Police Department did in the above post, to get an example of what a potentially good password looks like. Basic rules such as abstaining from the use of family members’ names, pet names and dates of birth, as well as encouraging the use of features such as two-factor authentication, need to be replicated for users across all platforms.

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