Third Covid wave is here, says head of India’s Covid task force after cases surge

Dr NK Arora, Chairman, NTAGI’s COVID-19 Working Group said that the steep rise in the number of COVID cases in the last one week is indicative of the third wave of the pandemic, as is being witnessed in many countries. Today.

Dr NK Arora told PTI, “The rapid increase in the number of COVID cases in the last one week is indicative of the third wave, as is being seen in many other countries across the world.”

Total 1,892 omicron The Union Health Ministry said on Tuesday that so far cases have been detected in 23 states and union territories of the country and 766 of the patients have either recovered or have migrated.

Maharashtra reported the highest number of 568 omicron cases, followed by Delhi (382), Kerala (185), Rajasthan (174), Gujarat (152) and Tamil Nadu (121).

He said, “Looking at the behavior of the Kovid infection in India in the last seven to 10 days, I think we may very soon reach the peak of the third wave.”

Arora, however, said there was no need to press the panic button.

With 37,379 fresh cases, India’s COVID-19 Tally According to the data updated by the ministry at 8 am, this has gone up to 3,49,60,261, while the number of active cases of infection has gone up to 1,71,830.

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