Thirsty for something unique? Try This Cool Cucumber Soda Recipe

What do you love most about summer? If you ask us, it’s the refreshing drink that comes with the season. From the traditional lassi, chaas and sharbat to fancy coolers, there are many options to choose from. And if you like to get creative like us, summer offers a variety of concoctions. In fact, it’s the season to wake up the mixologist in you and whip up something unique every day. We recently discovered a drink that scored a spot for us: cooling cucumber sodas with hints of mint and ginger. Looks fresh, doesn’t it? But before we tell you the recipe, let us find out why this drink is perfect for summers.
Read also: 5 refreshing sherbet recipes to cool off this summer

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Why is cucumber soda perfect for summer? Benefits of Cucumber-Lime Soda:

The star ingredients in this recipe are cucumber, ginger and mint. Each of these ingredients provides a number of benefits that make the drink a perfect thirst quencher.

Benefits of cucumber in summer:

Cucumber Composed of 96 percent water, making it the perfect antidote to dehydration, bloating and harmful toxins. It also aids in digestion, metabolism and overall nutrition. Plus, cucumber is incredibly versatile and when served cold, it’s downright refreshing!
Read also: No more rotten cucumbers! 5 Ways to Extend Shelf Life


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Benefits of ginger in summer:

Ginger It has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for combating summer ailments. It also aids in digestion, preventing stomach related issues like indigestion, bloating and bowel problems. According to Ayurveda, ginger is warming in nature and helps maintain a balance between Vata, Pitta and Kapha, making it ideal for holistic nutrition.
Read also: Struggling when peeling ginger and garlic? Here are 7 tips to make your job easier


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Benefits of mint in summer:

Peppermint Has a natural cooling effect that provides instant relief from the scorching heat. Additionally, it is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, making it ideal for fighting inflammation in the body. Mint also provides instant relief from acidity and heartburn, common problems during summers.
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How to make cucumber soda at home:

Making this drink is very easy. In addition to fresh grated cucumber, ginger, and mint, you’ll need some black pepper and salt to balance out the flavor. You can always replace normal salt with rock salt or black salt for added goodness.
Simply whisk these ingredients together and top it with ginger ale to make a refreshing cucumber soda. That’s it! Click here for recipe.


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Bonus Tip:

You can use a packaged can of ginger ale available in the market to make this drink. However, if you want to get more creative and prepare the drink from scratch, we have a homemade ginger ale recipe for you. Click here For the Ginger Ale recipe.
Now that you have this unique recipe, why not prepare the drink today and impress your family and friends with something fresh and unique?
Wish you all a happy summer!