This American Teenager Can’t Cry Or Take A Bath Because The Water Looks Like Acid To Her

We all have learned in our school that water is our lifeline and we cannot survive without it. But, what if you become allergic to it?

A 15-year-old girl from Tucson, USA, is suffering from a rare disease that has made her allergic to water. Due to this, the girl develops painful rashes even after bathing or crying, reports Daily Mail.

Abigail Beck first experienced the bizarre symptoms in 2019 at the age of 13. However, he was diagnosed with aquatic urticaria only last month.

Abigail’s condition is such that bathing is like burning with acid for her. Because of this, they have to take a bath only once every two days. When it comes to drinking water, Abigail says she hasn’t had a glass of water in over a year because it makes her vomit.

Instead, Abigail prefers to rely on pomegranate juice or energy drinks as they are low in water content. But, due to this her body does not get enough fluids and hence she needs to be given rehydration pills by the doctors.

Though the teenager had been suffering from pain since 2019, she avoided going to the doctor for fear that she might be labeled a lunatic. “It took a long time to get diagnosed. It progressed slowly and started getting worse over time,” Abigail said.

Initially, oblivious to her condition, Abigail thought her home’s water supply was to blame for the rash. She even thought at one point it was an allergic reaction to a lotion. But, as Abigail’s condition worsened, she realized the rarity of the condition.

Now, simple activities like bathing or exercising have become painful for him. “My own tears cause a reaction where my face turns red and burns really badly,” shared Abigail. Drinking water causes severe chest pain for Abigail, who now takes steroids and antihistamines to ease her pain.

Abigail says people are shocked when she tells them about her condition but insists she is “ready to answer questions.”

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