This Bengaluru Auto Driver is a YouTube Influencer, Specializing in Personal Finance

Sushant Koshy has shared a post on social media

An inspiring story from Bengaluru has surfaced on the internet. A video of an auto driver from India’s Silicon City is going viral on Twitter. Sushant Koshy shared a post on social media after he met an Uber autorickshaw driver who wants to become a YouTube influencer and make videos on personal finance. He tweeted a picture of the banner that the auto driver had put up inside his autorickshaw. The banner advertises his YouTube channel called Gold Janardhan Investor.

The YouTube handle has 1.65k subscribers and over 100 videos on topics including “Note printing is not good for the country”, “Maruti 800 car vs Maruti shares” and “How to pick your first stock”.

Along with the post, Mr Koshy also tagged Twitter account Peak Bengaluru. “My Uber auto driver is today a YouTube influencer, specializing in personal finance,” he wrote.

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In a follow-up tweet, he wrote, “His layman’s explanation of why central banks can’t just print money is really impressive!”

Impressed by his videos, Mr. Koshy wrote in another tweet, “Watched Autodriver Janardhan’s YouTube channel and I was very impressed. He: 1. Learned complex economic topics in a simple way 2. Explained them in layman’s terms 3 .Videos made with graphs etc. all while driving their autos.It’s a case study worth it.”

Social media users were impressed with his tweet, with one user commenting, “Then I’m still wondering if I should really start using my YouTube account.”

Another user commented, “This is awesome!”

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