This food experiment compares dosa made with idli, steamed and raw rice batter

Food science is a field that does not look complicated but is a bit important as compared to other fields of science. The food recipes we follow while making our favorite dishes at home do not result in accidents, but have gone through a lot of hits and trials, and more importantly, research.

This particular concept was illustrated by Sweta Shivakumar, a food researcher and blogger. Shweta conducted a food experiment in which she used the very popular South Indian dishes, idli and dosa, and showed why the dishes ask people to boil rice before making the batter.

She demonstrated her experiment on a Twitter thread and also posted it on her blog ‘Upgrade My Food’. In the sutra, Sweta explains the premise of her experiment and writes, “Why is steamed rice always called for in idli/dosa recipes? What happens if we make idli, dosa batter from raw rice? I did an experiment to find out.

Sweta made two different batters – one with urad dal and boiled rice and the other with urad dal and raw rice.

She used the same water ratio and blending time for both batters and compared the texture of both batters before placing them in the sun for a day to trigger the fermentation process.

Then he analyzed how different the two batters are in terms of fermentation. Boiled rice slurry ferments faster than raw rice slurry. Sweta explains that since the steamed rice is already slightly cooked, it provides Lactobacillus bacteria to boost the hog on the sugars in the rice. If the rice is already boiled it kind of introduces bacteria.

Now that both the batters were ready, it was time to make the idli and dosa and really see how different the dishes would turn out. It turns out that the idli is thicker than a lightly boiled batter, i.e. it gets ‘more lift’ than the raw rice batter. But, on the contrary, the raw rice batter won out when it came to the dosa. According to Sweta’s food experiment, the battered dosa of raw rice was more crispy and tasty.

This food experiment made it clear how a slurry of raw rice isn’t always a bad choice. Rather it can make your dosa even more delicious if not idli.

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