This includes eating meat.

Purple Cabbage: Eggplant is rich in Vitamin C and Ft.

special things

  • I
  • Cabbage can help reduce infection.
  • Pregnancy test is done.

Benefits of Purple Cabbage: I Your quality is good in every season. And there is only one kind of bloating in lettuce. Color in White Today we have more information about Brinjal i.e. Purple Presentation (Purple Cabbage). Better to make coffee tastier. For brinjal to be healthy, it is full of properties. Healthy which improves disease. Basically the same as a green pea, the same as it is, the same way it is.

Benefits of Brinjal- Benefits of Purple Cabbage:

this also further

1. Pre-

Eggplant diseases are prevented. Eggplant helps in cleansing, as well as relieves stomach irritation and pain.

Side Effects of Cayenne Pepper:

2. Count-

The herb plant has natural properties, such as vitamin C, auxiliaries and the like, which are capable of strengthening. To make the crop stronger, you can make the eggplant well.

Lemon for Blood Sugar: Lemon in 5


3. Meaningful-

It is easy to fix the shape of the eggplant. The polluted air is examined, which is in a state of deteriorating and deteriorating.


If you’re ready to be spoiled, it’s essential to making it work.

Benefits of Sunflower Seeds: Pleasantly Pleasant Experiences of the Time

5. Rate-

Harmful products are harmful to the health of eggplants, which are suitable for the season. Essential for the treatment of eggplant diseases.

Disclaimer: The content contained herein is general information. It is not a substitute for any type of doctor. Always consult an expert or doctor for more details. Claiming for news TV information.