This is how Indians celebrated 76th Independence Day in Boston. Anand Mahindra shared the video

Not only in India, Indians abroad celebrated Independence Day with great pomp and this video shared by Anand Mahindra is proof of that. Mahindra Group Chairman shared a video which was initially posted by filmmaker Ashok Pandit. It has been viewed about 80k times so far.

In the video, a group of people can be seen hoisting the tricolor in the sky. An aircraft can be seen flying overhead with the flag of the United States of America and the Indian tricolor on the banner affixed together. This is how people in Boston celebrated Independence Day.

Anand Mahindra took a trip down memory lane and shared how Boston used to have a small Indian population in 1973. This huge gathering has made him proud and happy.

“When I started college in Boston in ’73, there was a small Indian population, just one Indian restaurant of any aptitude and classmates still asked cliche questions about tigers and snakes in India. So, you get it. I can see how happy I am to see this glorious gathering!” Anand Mahindra wrote.

Watch the video here:

There were many reactions to Anand Mahindra’s Twitter post. “An American asked my aunt if India had a car (circa 1980s). She didn’t answer because she got upset with the question. ‘We only keep elephants in our garage’! ” One user wrote.

Another user commented, “The world has changed a lot since the 1970s… and we Indians are subtly dominated everywhere.”

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India celebrated its 76th Independence Day on 15 August.

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