This Japanese restaurant lets customers hold their own fish for a meal

The video has been viewed 19 lakh times.

Have you ever been to a cafe or restaurant and cooked your own food? It sounds weird, doesn’t it? But in a video going viral on the internet, a restaurant in Japan allows customers to catch their fish from a pool on the premises.

Zao Restaurant in Osaka, Japan, lets people come to the restaurant to dine in the restaurant to fish from the side of the restaurant or sit in a boat and cherish that experience. Once a customer has caught the fish, the restaurant makes an announcement to celebrate the achievement. The management in the restaurant will also click a picture of you with the fish, and then the fish will be sent to the chef, who will cook it to your liking – sashimi, deep fried fish, etc.

The clip was shared by Instagram user Tina & Fam and has garnered over 19 lakh views and 1.2 lakh likes. It is captioned, “Who do you want to go fishing with in Japan?”

According to the restaurant’s website, “If you catch the fish yourself, it’s cheap!” We can fish for our own fish and eat it fresh at a discount price. We hope you will use this system to catch fish and enjoy eating fresh, delicious fish!” He added, “The regular price of red-snapper fish is 4,180 JPY, but if caught by the customer, Its price will be Rs 1,810. ,

However, for renting a fishing rod, a customer will have to pay 110 JPY or around Rs 61. The restaurant staff also provides help and advice to customers when they have difficulty fishing.

Many Internet users found this experience interesting. One user said, ‘I want to do this, it was a lot of fun. Another said, “Now I’m adding this to my bucket list!!!” The third commented. “Fishing sounds like a great idea.”

Another user, who liked the experience, shared, “I did it! But second place in Japan. It was great to choose how to prepare our fish. Very low fee to use heads and bones It was also. Make miso soup, so nothing was wasted. This was the best sashimi I’ve ever had.”

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