This Kala Chana Misa Paratha is the ideal snack for a protein kick

We can never eat stuffed paratha for breakfast. Be it the season, a nutritious paratha is what we should start our day with a heart and stomach. Apart from its sumptuous taste, what makes paratha really a hit in the breakfast menu is its wide range of variations. It can be made with almost any food – vegetables, lentils, spices etc. However, in winters, Missi Paratha is commonly made and liked, especially by Punjabi families. Here, we have a recipe for similar parathas with a similar name – misa paratha. How is it different from Missi Paratha? Read on to find out.

Missi roti is made from gram flour, which is obtained from unpeeled gram. And misa roti is made from whole gram (black gram) flour after peeling it. black gram Loaded with protein, which makes it a great option for breakfast. Also, black gram is known as one of the best foods for a diabetic diet due to its low GI value. Gram flour flour is easily available in the market, but the dough for misa paratha is usually prepared at home with black gram. Here’s how you can easily make it at home:

(Also read: 7 Healthy Recipes You Can Make Rich In Protein black gram,

Black gram is rich in protein

Misa Roti Recipe How do I make Misa Roti:

Step by Step Recipe to make Kala Chana Misa Paratha:

Step 1- Soak the gram for about 4 hours and grind it with ginger and green chilies to make a paste.

Step 2 – Knead the dough by adding wheat flour, cumin, asafetida and salt as per taste in this paste.

Step 3 – Divide the dough into small round shapes.

Step 4 – Make rotis from the dough balls and bake them from both the sides. serve hot.

This protein-rich kala chana paratha recipe was shared by food vlogger Manjula Jain on her YouTube channel ‘Manjulas Kitchen’. You can watch the video here for clear cooking instructions:

(Also read: How to Make Punjabi Style Missi Roti for a Wholesome Meal,

About Neha GroverThe love of reading sparked his writing instincts. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she’s not putting her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading as she sips coffee.
