This liver disease can occur even if you do not drink alcohol

Liver diseases are often associated with excessive alcohol consumption. While it is true that alcohol can be a major contributor to liver diseases, it is not necessarily the only one. A common liver condition that can affect people who drink little or almost no alcohol is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

In this condition, excessive fat gets deposited in the liver and it can lead to serious liver complications. If ignored, NAFLD can progress to its next stage, called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). These diseases can pave the way for major complications such as cirrhosis, and liver failure. The unavailability of much information about their symptoms and signs often leads to the problem being overlooked and it becomes a major problem. Here we look at some of the key signals pointing towards NAFD and why they should not be ignored

Excessive fatigue

One of the major symptoms of any liver disease is a drop in stamina. Whatever the cause of the complication, if you feel tired easily, it could be your body’s way of telling you that something is not right with the liver.

loss of appetite

Another major sign of liver problems is a sudden loss of appetite. While there may be other reasons for this change in appetite, it usually occurs when liver function is disrupted.


Yellowing of the skin and eyes is a sign of jaundice which can be triggered by some kind of liver problem. Jaundice can be fatal and should not be ignored at any cost.

itchy skin

Liver diseases can damage your bile ducts which in turn can show results on your skin. The effects of liver diseases can lead to the accumulation of bile salts under your skin resulting in itchy or itchy skin. While itchy skin can be caused by other reasons, getting your liver checked can help you avoid major complications.

abdominal bloating

Swelling or ascites in the abdomen occurs when the liver stops working. This can cause fluid to build up in the abdomen and interfere with normal function. So, if your body is showing this as a symptom, it’s time for you to see a doctor.

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