This new episode of BYJU’s Young Genius Season 2 features two young achievers from two corners of India

There are two surefire ways to make your mark in today’s world. One is to be talented and to recognize your talent which can be displayed to the world. The second is to let the gritty and hard work change the course of your destiny.

In the current episode of #BYJUSYoungGenius2, viewers are treated to these two, where a young wrestler fights against all odds to become the national anthem and also includes a precocious youth who has organized four art exhibitions and He has sold many of his abstract art paintings. He was only two years old!

Read on to learn about their incredible journeys and be inspired in return.

Lifting weights and expectations with Chanchala Kumari

There is something to be said about India’s budding talent who refuses to use their less than ideal environment as a hindrance and instead works towards improving not only their living conditions but their entire community. works. 15-year-old Chanchla Kumari is a prime example of this growing trend of the young prodigy, who has stepped into the national spotlight after emerging from a poor background.

Chanchla comes from a small place called Hatwal in Jharkhand, where her parents encouraged her to take up sports as a career as the sports academy would ensure free living, food, schooling and training.

Of all the sports, Chanchala wrestled with enthusiasm and found that she possesses the natural strength and skill required to compete at the highest levels. Chanchla has already won several gold medals including the national gold medal in wrestling and represented India in the under-17, 40 kg category of the World Cadet Wrestling Championships in Budapest last year.

During their chat, Chanchla revealed that she takes a lot of inspiration from the Phogat sisters whose story is based on Dangal was written down. To their surprise, in the episode Geeta Phogat joins Chanchla as a special guest and the two also perform some wrestling words that host Anand Narasimhan asks them. The most incredible moment is when Chanchala effortlessly picks up Phogat.

Chanchala is currently training for the national level trials in the Under-15 category and aims to win a medal in the 2024 Olympics. With her calm but determined determination, we have no doubt that she will be there soon.

Painting the world with Advaita

You don’t expect a seven-year-old to talk about abstract art and say things like, “What I see as a galaxy, you can see as an ocean.” But this is precisely what makes Advait Kolarkar so special.

Advaita started painting at the age of just one year and had his first exhibition when he was only two years old. With the encouragement of his parents, Advaita started painting abstract art and has already sold his paintings in the US, Canada, London and Turkey.

In 2018, all 32 of his paintings sold out in four days at his exhibition in Canada called Color Blizzard. Later that same year he became the youngest artist to perform at Artexpo, New York.

Advaita loves abstract painting because it can be interpreted in any way. And yet, he now themes each of his drawings, drawing inspiration from dinosaurs, space, imagery of the underwater world, and more. He also says that his favorite color is black as it is strong and bold.

In the episode, he shows some of his paintings to Padma Shri Paresh Maiti, who is amazed and encouraged by Advaita’s talent and understanding of his craft at such a young age.

While Advaita wants to continue painting, like any young man of his age, he also says that he wants to become a paleontologist and discover new species of dinosaurs and also want to become a writer. Considering his early forays into the art world, Advaita can pull of them all too!

Such dreams and aspirations of today’s young generation have been captured so beautifully by Young Genius Season 2 of Byju’s. Watching and listening to the playful Chanchala and the talented Advaita make you want to push yourself harder and make your mark.

Watch the full episode now!

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