This optical illusion is doubling people with changing numbers

In a state of confusion, we often go with the majority, but what should be done when the majority gets confused? Looks like a recent viral optical illusion has put this question to the netizens. The simple photo shared by Twitter user, benonwine, shows the illusion of a black and white circle featuring some numbers. The zigzag pattern tricks you into thinking the circles are moving, making the number more difficult to identify. So when users saw only ‘528’ in the circle for the first time, they searched for more numbers in the circle. From 528 the number was now ‘4583’, but were they?

A different group of users saw the number as 15283 and some others claimed that the circle actually had ‘3452839’. So, what exactly were the numbers hidden in the circles?

“Do you see a number? If so, what number?” Read the caption shared with the photo

Can’t be sure? You are not alone in this differently. Answers were flooded with various guesses by users but none seemed certain.

“Only 45283 for my old eyes. Is there any trick?” wrote one user retweeting the photo, while another seemed concerned about his eyesight “I can only see 528. Does this mean anything to my eyesight?

Check out some of the responses here:

However, it seems that one of the users has found a trick to identify the numbers and suggested a unique method for the same. “If I pull down the notification bar (Android) it blurs the screen and the numbers become clear,” he wrote while sharing the trick.

However, this is not the first optical illusion to go viral on the Internet. Earlier a video featuring two ‘rotating cubes’ garnered a lot of attention online.

While at first glance the cubes appeared to be moving, one user reported that their movement was not real, but an illusion caused by a change in background brightness.

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