This summer, beat the heat with this Kasturi Kulfi from Chef Sanjeev Kapoor

To get some respite from the summer heat, many of us opt for a cold and refreshing breakfast. Seasonal fruits are some of the best picks in these months. But sometimes, indulging in only raw fruit slices can get boring. So, do you want to add variety to your fruit diet? Try making a mixture of kulfi and melon. Surprised by the suggestion? Well, you too will be pleasantly surprised by its taste. Chef Sanjeev Kapoor has shared the recipe of Kasturi Kulfi on his official Instagram page. And, it looks like the perfect treat for summers.

(Also read: Melon benefits: 7 more reasons to love summer fruits,

The recipe includes very simple steps and is easy to make. It blends the refreshing taste of musk and the cooling effect of kulfi, a traditional Indian frozen dessert. With the goodness of dry fruits, this recipe is a delicious snack for the summer months.

How to make melon kulfi?

In the video, we see an interesting way of preparing this kulfi. The steps are as follows:

Step1: Take a whole melon. Cut a piece off the top.

Step 2: Remove the seeds of the melon while keeping the fruit intact.

Step 3: Fry some cashew nuts, almonds, pistachios and other dry fruits.

Step 4: Crush them and mix them in milk to make kulfi batter.

Step 5: Pour the thickened kulfi mixture into the hollow space inside the melon.

Step 6: Cover the tops of the melon with the cut slices.

Step 7: Refrigerate the fruit.

Step 8: Cut the melon lengthwise.

Step 9: Serve it after cooling.

Take a look at the recipe video:

Melon isn’t the only fruit that can be refrigerated this season. If you’re a fan of popsicles, try adding a fruity punch to them. What’s better than berries for this? Chef Sanjeev Kapoor had earlier shared its recipe. So, make Jamun Popsicles at your home and enjoy the fruity and tangy taste of these icy delicacies.

(Also read: Skin Care Tips: How to Make a Summer Special Mango-Melon Smoothie for Glowing Skin (Recipe Inside)

Enjoy summer with such experimental yet delicious recipes.