This way you can take better care of your indoor plants in winter

It’s amazing what a walk in the park can do when you’re feeling sad. This is because connecting with nature improves our well-being. Spending time in green spaces can help us to relax and reduce mental fatigue. However, we also bring greenery to our homes as many of us are fond of planting plants in our homes as well as offices. Apart from enhancing the beauty of any place, indoor plants also make us feel good. However, anyone who keeps indoor plants will know that maintaining them is not as easy as it looks. The worst thing that can happen to you after enthusiastically bringing a plant home is that the plant withers and dies.

Kapil V, founder of Bonacilla, says that the care of the plants should be maximum in winter when their growth rate slows down considerably and goes dormant. He suggested the following to take better care of your plants during the winter season.

reduce water intake

In winter, the growth rate of houseplants slows greatly, indicating that they require significantly less water. Too much water can cause rot. Water requirements vary from plant to plant, although in winter watering once every two weeks or so is considered sufficient.

Plant your plants in areas with enough light

As the days get shorter, it is important to move indoor plants to a location where they can receive the most sunlight. Photosensitivity varies per plant, and too much sunlight can damage some plants. It is important to know about your plant’s lighting requirements.


A buildup of dust on the leaves can clog their pores, allowing insects to enter. It is essential to clean them regularly, especially during winters. In addition, any leaves that are broken or infected should be removed as they can transmit diseases or pests. It is recommended to clean these plants with a brush.

monitor room humidity

Many indoor plants prefer cooler temperatures. Our homes are often too dry and hot for our needs, and heating in the winter makes things worse. Keeping the environment moist will help keep your houseplants happy.

control room temperature

Adjusting to changes in temperature is something most indoor plants are unable to deal with. In winter, plants receive an equal dose of cool and cool air coming in through doors and windows and heat from fireplaces or radiators. The key to keeping them healthy is to keep the temperature stable.

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