Threat to democracy: The Hindu editorial on US House panel probe into Capitol riots on January 6

House panel report on Capitol riots may be toothless, but a blow to Trump

House panel report on Capitol riots may be toothless, but a blow to Trump

bipartisan congress committee probing fatal 6 January 2021 Attacked by mob seat of the US Houses of Congress Former President Donald Trump’s Effort Painted a Clearer Picture and its allies to reverse the results of the 2020 presidential election, even if it means that it could damage the US government and cling to power, creating a “moment of maximum threat” to the foundations of American democracy. may intentionally incite violence. In the first public hearing by a House of Representatives committee, its chairman and vice president played several videos of Mr. Trump’s attorney general, William Barr; And his daughter Ivanka Trump, among others, was making statements on camera that pointed to Mr Trump’s role in promoting violence that day. The hearing made clear that Mr Trump was responsible for several significant acts of commission and omission, including ignoring intelligence reports that had already been passed to the White House that the protests could turn violent. Crucially, Mr Trump refused to intervene, for example by deploying the National Guard, as riots spiraled out of control and far-right groups such as the Proud Boys carried out organized violence after a rally near the Capitol. It resulted in some deaths, defacement of public property and an unprecedented security threat to members of Congress in the building.

The January 6 attack came directly after one of the most vicious election campaigns ever waged by Mr Trump and his Republican allies. Not only did this see them denigrating America’s involvement in minorities, women, and multilateral and regional organizations, but it also launched a targeted misinformation campaign against election results over the fact that ballot votes and runoff elections in some US states led to victory. affected the final result. For President Joe Biden. The work of the House committee investigating the Capitol attack could be politically consequential, as it serves as a reminder of the extreme lengths to which Mr. Trump and his supporters will go to undermine the rule of law to remain in power. Yet it is ultimately toothless, as there is no constitutional way to prevent him from running for re-election in 2024, a result given his continued popularity and the absence of any other strong potential Republican presidential candidate. Looks fast. After surviving two impeachment attempts, and with a legal question mark over the possibility of using the 14th Amendment to ban him from public office for his role in an insurgency against the US government, Mr. Trump went on to run for White. are well prepared. House and resume your anti-politics, should they choose.