Three people committed suicide within a week in SDSC-Shar campus

The deserted campus of Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota (SDSC-SHAR) has created a ruckus with three incidents of suicide in a week.

Uttar Pradesh sub-inspector Vikas Singh took the extreme step of shooting himself with his service weapon on Monday night. The incident happened after a constable Chintamani from Chhattisgarh committed suicide earlier in the day.

Vikas Singh’s wife Priya Singh, who had come from Uttar Pradesh to receive her husband’s body on Tuesday, ended her life in the guest house room the same night, reportedly unable to recover from the trauma.

Police said Priya’s brother, who had accompanied her to Sriharikota, was fast asleep when she took the extreme step.

Though there were reports that Vikas Singh took the step due to financial problems, his family denied it.

Sriharikota police have registered a case and started investigation.

(People suffering from suicidal tendencies can dial 100 and seek counseling).