Three small steps can strengthen Modi’s mission life – from urban planning to behavioral change

heyn 20 October, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres launched mission life – Lifestyle for the environment. The mission aims to empower individuals to contribute to mitigating climate change by becoming aware of the environmental impact of their behavior and consumption patterns. As India assumed the presidency of the G20 in December, LiFE provides a platform to promote individual-led demand-side interventions on the international stage.

This is a timely initiative as the changes needed to drive deep greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions will require significant attention to lifestyle and consumption patterns, which in turn will balance the current emphasis on the production side of emissions. This idea is also well rooted in the academic climate change literature. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), demand-side actions have the potential to at least cut greenhouse gas emissions. 40-70 percent in 2050.

People have to be motivated to change, which is why encouragement and encouragement is an important first step to behavior change. In addition, two complementary steps can help boost implementation: infrastructure and supporting policies. While appropriate infrastructure can enable individual behavior change, appropriate supportive policies can encourage behavior change. The LiFE movement can be strengthened based on the idea that behaviour, infrastructure and policy can reinforce each other to bring about transformational change.

The positive interlocking between these arenas is well illustrated by three examples.

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rethinking urban design

First, sustainable lifestyle choices can be fostered and promoted through appropriate urban planning. Urban emissions are the result of well-defined infrastructural, technological and behavioral systems that—if inappropriate—can act as barriers to climate action. To achieve low emissions while increasing livability, a coordinated effort is needed to develop low-carbon urban designs. Some of India’s oldest cities, such as Shahjahanabad built in the 17th century, offer lessons in creating mixed-use areas or areas that serve multiple purposes – one of the key principles of urban emissions reduction strategies. the concept of ‘superblock’ – intended to calm traffic in residential areas – implemented in Barcelona, ​​Spain is another classic example of how modifying urban design can reduce vehicular emissions and pollution. LiFE can also join India’s Smart Cities Mission as it offers ideal opportunities to build cities that are sustainable and livable as well as provide economic opportunities.

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reduce transportation emissions

another, behavioral changes related to transportation Here are some of the most effective demand-side actions to reduce GHG emissions. People can be encouraged to make lifestyle decisions involving green transport in a number of ways. Creating a robust public transport system is an important first step to encourage non-motorized transport. The use of buses and the metro rail network provides significant emissions more profit Use of private vehicles. While India is soon going to implement metro rail projects 27 citiesKarnataka has prepared a draft active mobility bill, which seeks to protect the rights of pedestrians and cyclists. In addition, electrification of road transport can help in greening the transport options across the board.

Rapid adoption and manufacturing of the (Hybrid and) Electric Vehicle (FAME) scheme in India has supported the purchase of more half a million EVs in country. EV sold for the first time exceeded 10% of vehicle sales in Delhi. Decarbonizing freight transport could also be an important step. An efficient and clean logistics sector would make almost every form of consumption marginally greener – a huge economy-wide benefit. Seeing it widespread electrification Indian Railways’ shifting of India’s predominantly land-based diesel-powered freight to rail could help make freight transport less carbon-intensive.

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improve waste management

Third, moving away from plastics and improving waste management practices can reduce both GHG emissions and plastic pollution, while creating new economic opportunities. production of plastics Responsible for 4.5 percent of global GHG emissions. microplastics Huh having an adverse effect The health of many living organisms, including humans. A shift from plastics would require reducing (and eventually stopping) their use, as well as replacing them with more environmentally friendly materials.

A major step in this direction was taken by the Government of India in August 2021 through a notification Plastic Waste Management Amendment Rules 2021, which ban certain single-use plastic products. It was timely, as a report good The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) found that per capita plastic waste in India has almost doubled in five years from 2016 to 2022.

Today, natural alternatives like sugarcane by-products are being used to make tableware while cornstarch and jute are being used to make carry bags. In addition, waste reduction, reuse and recycling are all desirable lifestyle changes With GHG emissions mitigation potential, which requires building institutional and municipal capacity to manage and implement waste segregation.

Mission Life strives to reduce emissions from lifestyle. It is an essential element of tackling the climate crisis. We can’t hope to address climate change simply by paying attention to how we produce – we also need to focus on how we consume and behave. In doing so, a focus on climate-friendly infrastructure and appropriate policy nudges can be important supporting elements of the revolution that LiFE seeks to promote.

Navroz K. Dubash is Professor and Ananya Mahajan and Arunesh Karkun are Senior Research Associates at the Center for Policy Research. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Zoya Bhatti)