Thyroid Control: It’s Affecting Your Heart, Tips To Control Your Thyroid Levels

thyroid problems: Many essential processes are carried out by the thyroid gland, which is a small gland in the back of your throat that resembles a butterfly. Therefore, thyroid dysfunction can have many effects, whether it causes too little (hypothyroidism) or too much (hyperthyroidism) thyroid hormone.

The thyroid gland helps regulate your body’s metabolism, most importantly how much oxygen and energy your body uses, as well as your digestive process, muscle function and skin tone. By leveling.

The thyroid has at least some effect on every part of the body, including the heart. The many ways an overactive thyroid can affect your heart also means it can result in a wide variety of symptoms. Knowing these signs can help you seek prompt medical attention to prevent serious heart problems.

1. Fast heart rate

Interestingly, one of the most common symptoms associated with increased levels of thyroid hormone is a rapid heartbeat because an overactive thyroid speeds up your heart rate. While everyone has a rapid heartbeat sometimes (for example, when they are anxious or stressed), hyperthyroidism causes it to happen constantly, even when you are at rest.

2. Irregular Heart Rate

You may get atrial fibrillation, or an irregular heartbeat, as a result of hyperthyroidism. Again, while small “blips” in your normal rhythm pattern are often nothing to worry about, chronic abnormalities can dramatically increase your risk of stroke. Atrial fibrillation, also known as a ‘cardiac arrhythmia’, occurs when the upper chambers of your heart beat irregularly and “out of sync”.

3. High blood pressure and chest pain

In addition to having high blood pressure, many people with hyperthyroidism also have overactive hearts, which contributes to the condition. Atherosclerosis (clogged or narrowed arteries) can worsen chest pain or angina if you also have high blood pressure. All this extra stress on the heart can lead to cardiac hypertrophy, which eventually leads to heart failure by causing an enlarged heart and thickened heart walls.

4. Heart failure

Sometimes heart failure can occur on its own due to hyperthyroidism. On the other hand, a higher risk of heart failure is typical with hyperthyroidism if pre-existing heart disease is present. Treating it can be challenging.

Also Read: Thyroid Control: 8 Benefits Of Coriander Seeds, A Boon For Thyroid Problems

Ways to Avoid Serious Problems

– Quitting smoking.

– Visit the doctor regularly.

– Healthy Diet.

– Alcohol in moderation.

Physical activity for at least 30 minutes.