Tigerin was going on the road with her 5 children, people were mesmerized by seeing the rare sight, said- Kunti with five Pandavas…

Tigerin was going on the road with her 5 children, people were mesmerized by seeing the rare sight

Tigers are rare, elusive animals, which is why the thrill of seeing a tiger in its natural habitat is even stronger. Tiger sighting in the wild is always a highlight and a once in a lifetime experience. However, this time, some lucky exposure got the rare opportunity to spot 6 Tigers, not during their fitness journey.

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A video shared by Indian Forest Service officer Sushant Nanda (Indian Forest Service Officer Sushant Nanda) shows a tigress crossing a fitness route, while the excited can be heard chattering in apprehension. The tigress is not alone and can be seen leading the herd to cross the road one by one with her five cubs. The five little tiger cubs quickly follow their mother into the jungle, leaving many of the pilgrims spellbound.

The IFS officers speculated, “Kunti appeared with the five Pandavas. I do not know whose voice was ordering the woman to sit.”

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Needless to say, the video has sent social media users into a tizzy, who are loving the eye-catching visuals, while many wish they were there to witness this rare moment. Since being shared, the video has garnered over 13,000 views, along with tons of comments.

One user wrote, ‘Amazing sir. May I know which Tiger Reserve or Sanctuary is this?’ Another wrote, ‘What a way to start my morning. Thank you. I look forward to more coming my way.” A third criticized the statement for creating hue and cry and harassing the Tiger family. He wrote, “Should he keep quiet on fitness?”

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