TikTok: Facebook will soon become like TikTok, suggests an internal memo – Times of India

it seems like Answer weren’t enough for meta To fight Tiktok. Well they ain’t stopping instagram, preparing for meta Facebook to take on TIC TocAnd some big changes could be coming soon to catch up to TikTok. Mark Zuckerberg It has already been said that the top priority of the company is to overtake Tiktok. According to an internal memo obtained by The Verge, Facebook is set to undergo some changes to compete against TikTok.
The Verge published an internal memo addressed to Facebook employees Tom Ellison, Facebook’s VP at Meta. According to the memo, Facebook will simply remove its friends from a TikTok-inspired feed that will show everyone and anyone’s posts, regardless of whether the user is following them or not. The publication itself is linked to the head of Facebook, and he says that Meta wants Facebook to be a “discovery engine.” This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of this; Mark Zuckerberg already mentioned this in his recent earnings call.
In short, as Allison said, Meta wants to replicate TikTok’s “for you” feed that will show you the content of “unconnected” accounts. So, you might soon see more reels of people who aren’t on your friends list on Facebook. Also, the company is planning to push more trending content for the users apart from the content created by the original creators.
In addition, Meta plans to integrate the Facebook and Messenger apps. Tiktok again prompts this move. The idea behind this is that users can share content suggested by the “discovery engine” with their friends directly from the Facebook app, similar to Instagram, without switching to a different one, as Allison believes. That has changed the way people share content today. ,
The report also gives us a brief idea of ​​what the Facebook app of the future could look like. So, the main feed will be compromised of reels and stories at the top and will include posts from both Facebook and Instagram that are suggested by Facebook’s Discovery Engine. The Verge suggests that the experience will be “video-heavy”, and users will be able to easily share posts with their friends.
There are three Meta priorities for Facebook right now – making the reels a success, building world-class recommendation technology, and unlocking message-based sharing. It is not known when and how Facebook will implement these changes.

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