Tiktok sued by content moderator upset over graphic video

According to a lawsuit filed against the video-sharing platform and its parent, ByteDance Inc., 10,000 of TikTok’s content moderators have been exposed to a regular diet of child pornography, rape, beheading and animal slaughter.

It gets worse. Content moderator Candy Frazier says in her proposed class-action lawsuit that she showed video with audio involving strange cannibalism, bruised heads, school shootings, suicide and even a fatal fall from a building Is.

And there is no escape from it, claims Frazier. According to a complaint Thursday in federal court in Los Angeles, TikTok requires moderators to work at a frantic pace, with only one hour off for lunch and two 15-minute breaks per 12-hour shift, with hundreds watch the video.

“Due to the sheer volume of the content, content moderators are not allowed more than 25 seconds per video, and simultaneously watch three to ten videos at the same time,” their lawyers said in the complaint.

TikTok said it does not comment on the ongoing lawsuit, but seeks to “foster a caring work environment for our employees and contractors.”

A spokesperson for the company said, “Our security team partners with third-party firms on the important work of helping to protect the TikTok platform and community, and we continue to expand a range of wellness services to allow moderators to help protect the community. And feel emotionally supported.” Statement.

According to the complaint, TikTok was a member of a group of social media companies, including Facebook and YouTube, that had developed guidelines to help moderators deal with images of child abuse.

Read more: Facebook moderators tainted to receive $52 million for mental health

But TikTok failed to implement the guidelines, which include providing psychological support and limiting shifts to four hours, according to the suit.

Frazier, who lives in Las Vegas, said she suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of watching all the disturbing videos.

According to the complaint, “the plaintiff has trouble sleeping and while she sleeps, she has terrible nightmares.”

Frazier, who wants to represent other TikTok content screeners, is asking for compensation for psychological injuries and a court order requiring the company to set up a medical fund for moderators.

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