Tim Cook: Why has Apple CEO Tim Cook donated $100,000 to his high school band – Times of India?

For many of us, at whatever point in life we ​​reach, the school or college we went to is a cherished part, a nostalgic feast to look back and a place from which we get to enjoy much of life. All lessons have been learned. it seems like Apple CEO Tim Cook have lovely memories High School He spent time in Robertsdale High School, Alabama, which was noticed when he donated some money to the school band. He donated $100,000 (approximately Rs.77,64,950) high school band so that band members can buy new equipment according to a report alabama News outlet Al.com.
A huge amount was allegedly used Baldwin County The public school system will purchase 28 new equipment for students. Instruments include flutes, horns, tubes, etc. Apple CEO Graduated from Robertsdale High School in 1978. You would like to know why he donated to the band in particular? Probably because the CEO of Apple has a strong connection because he used to play the trombone in the years he attended.
But the Baldwin County School District needs more (actually a total of $140,000), a portion of which is largely covered by the Apple CEO. It is still fundraising for the remaining $40,000 to help with the program, although the school is reportedly grateful for generous contributions from its alumni.
This isn’t the first time the CEO of Apple has done something to support his high school. cook Last year announced a scholarship program for students at Robertsdale High School.