Time cover featuring Bollywood actors over the years. Internet picks a favorite

Throwback to Parveen Babi on the cover of Time. (Etiquette: bollyblinds n gossip,

New Delhi:

Deepika Padukone is making headlines for her look in the show Cover of the prestigious Time magazine. The interview and pictures of the actress are already earning her accolades. Given that this is a big moment for Bollywood, many fans went down memory lane and revisited the past covers of the magazine, which featured Bollywood stars. A Reddit page dedicated to Bollywood has shared the covers of the questions. The first appearance of a Bollywood star on a Time cover was almost 50 years ago in 1976 by Parveen Babi, according to the post. It was followed by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in 2003, Shah Rukh Khan in 2004, Aamir Khan in 2012 and 2013, Priyanka Chopra in 2016 and now Deepika Padukone in 2023. The post shared with the caption, “Bollywood actors and actresses on the cover of Time Magazine through the years,” garnered a bunch of reactions from users.

A user replied to the post saying, “Mothers are becoming mothers! Parveen [Babi] Was a pioneer. Another user said, “So Parveen [Babi] Was the first person to appear? She was probably a big name then. Also Deepika is going from place to place. I am very happy for him.

Referring to SRK’s cover, another comment read: “That’s it, SRK channeling the ultimate Mohan Bhargava Swades energy in that picture. A user wrote about Aamir Khan, “Aamir’s face is interesting.”

View the post here:

BW actors and actresses on the cover of Time magazine throughout the years
By u/dalandkhichdi In bollyblinds n gossip

meanwhile Profile of Deepika Padukone by Time MagazineThe actress has spoken about her professional and personal journey in the industry over the years. In his interview, Deepika Padukone also mentioned her husband actor Ranveer Singh’s constant support. Talking about marriage and children affecting the shelf life of actresses, Deepika said, “I have never experienced that because [Ranveer Singh] Has always put me, my dreams and my ambitions first.”

In the same interview, Deepika Padukone also shared her thoughts about today’s relationships and how every couple needs to accept that their journey will be unique. In a video shared by Time Magazine, she says, “Having said that, I think that not only my parents but the whole generation, I think patience is probably one of the main things that I am today.” feel like couples – i feel like a love guru [laughs] – But I think there is a lack of patience and I think that is something we all can learn from, not only Ranveer and I from our parents but I think more couples like us from the generation before us can learn from. There are many other things but patience is the first thing.”

Deepika Padukone will be seen on the work front young And Warrior,