Tina has welcomed the boy-wife, a special note for Mo and daughter-in-law after marriage

Tina shared the photo

new Delhi :

Growing up in Amitabh Bachchan’s family. These pictures can be seen in social media. Tina posted some pictures of the pen. You can be impressed if you want to. Tina has entered the family. For the first time, the family and Krishi Shah are growing up in the same family. It is written in marriage – daughter’s introduction. A new TV is starting for Anmol. There is a new energy in the house. It is a new beginning for all of us. Gratitude!

this also further

Side by side Tina has written in the title – Good news of information. Another picture is of Mandav Muhurta Ceremony. Its ️ Caption️ Caption ️️️️️️️ It is Mandav Muhurta. Information about pre-wedding ceremonies is also posted. To live in a family and get crops. Color of beauty ,

Let’s ensure the safety of Krisha Shah’s family. Krisha Shah’s mother-in-law posted a family and wrote – Our new family. , A leaf-like picture of climate change is written and it is written – Garlic. , The aura is written in such a way that it is always luminous. May we too be precious and mighty as ever to cultivate germs.

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