Tips and tricks to clean pigeon feces on your balcony or terrace

In the summer season, birds keep coming and going on the balcony of our houses. At the same time, some people also like to keep water and grains for the birds on the roof or balcony of the house in this scorching heat. Of course, this habit of yours works as a great relief for the birds in the summer.

But, sometimes pigeons and other birds that come on the balcony or terrace of the house, pollute the house with their feces. And then cleaning the ceiling becomes a daunting task. We will share with you some easy ways, by adopting which you can clean the balcony of the house.

Take these precautions while cleaning pigeon feces: To clean pigeon feces, first protect yourself. Because you are also likely to be allergic to pigeon feces. So do not forget to wear a face mask and gloves before cleaning the beetroot.

Make a cleansing liquid: To clean stubborn pigeon feces stains, prepare a liquid by mixing 2 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water. Now sprinkle this mixture on the poop. Then scrub the floor after 15 minutes and it will be completely clean.

Use a floor cleaner. In addition to cleaning pigeon feces, it’s also very important to clean bacteria off the floor. For this you can use floor cleaner. The sodium hypochlorite present in it helps in making the floor bacteria free.

Wash the balcony: After wiping the floor with the cleaner, wipe it down with a disposable microfiber cloth. And do not forget to wash the balcony with clean water. This will make your balcony shine and the smell will be free too.

Try to take some precautions when cleaning pigeon feces. If you have weak immunity, avoid cleaning the stool on your own.

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