Tips and tricks to keep your home virus free

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Tips and tricks to keep your home virus free

With another wave of the virus looming, we must start stretching our safety barometer to keep us and our loved ones safe. While people are wearing masks and have started taking cleanliness seriously, we have noticed that many of us do not give importance to cleanliness of houses. A cleaning routine can be overwhelming for someone who is unprepared, but equipped with the right methods and products, the process can be made effective and hassle-free. Here are some simple yet effective techniques to clean your homes and keep them virus free.

Clean the whole house at once, not one room at a time

Instead of cleaning one room at a time, it is better to do one task such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping and finishing one task for each room in the house. This will keep you from feeling like you’re in an endless cleaning process and you’re starting the same tasks over and over again. Plus, some large rooms can take time, so it’s best to put off a task in the middle so you don’t have to go back again and again.

Eliminate Clutter, Discard and Donate

Before you start cleaning the house, pick up trash from each room so that it doesn’t come in the way of cleaning. Things like magazines, well-read paperbacks, shoes, rugs, etc. Also, if you are not going to use anything in the future you should consider discarding it or donating it. Removing clutter from time to time is the best solution for a tidy home.

dust and vacuum

Pay attention to dusting on top of furniture and under cabinets, railings, picture frames, showpieces and TV screens. Make sure the fan is turned off to avoid dust collecting on other surfaces. For hard-to-reach areas, such as blinds and upper cabinets, attach a cloth to the end of a mop or broom and make sure it is clean. After doing this, do a thorough vacuum cleaning to ensure that any dust particles that may have been left are cleared.

Use surface disinfectants to clean your kitchen and washroom properly

There are two areas where germs accumulate quickly – the kitchen and the washroom. Therefore, it is important to clean them properly using separate spray cleaners for kitchen sinks and bathroom sinks, tubs and toilets. Let it sit for a while so that the cleaner has time to dissolve the dirt and stains, and then start scrubbing. Once done, wipe it with running water to completely wipe off all the germs and dirt. In the kitchen, also ensure that the garbage disposal area is thoroughly cleaned using surface disinfectants to ensure that there are no germs.

Don’t forget to wash your cleaning tools regularly

The last but most important tip, often overlooked as part of home cleaning, is the maintenance of cleaning equipment. Using a dirty mop or vacuum with a dusty bag is much less effective, and the person may have to spend more time cleaning up. Therefore, once cleaned the tools should be thoroughly cleaned and dried thoroughly to keep them ready for the next cleaning session. Floor cleaners today, come with USPs like Dust Settling Technology which actively settles moped dust to the bottom of the bucket thus preventing its spread.

Your home is your safe haven! Make sure it is clean to invite good energy into your life. Also, during these difficult times, it is an effective way to prevent the reproduction and spread of germs and viruses. To help you lead a healthy life it is important that you take care of the place where you live clean and hygienic.

(The author is Mr. Rajvardhan Patil, Head – Strategy & Planning and Co-Founder, Rajaram Consumer Care)

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not represent the views of India TV)
