Tips for freshers entering startups in times of layoffs

“Before accepting a job offer from a startup, do your research on the company thoroughly,” says Dr. Deepak Jain, Founder, The Fragrance People. Check out their website, read news articles about the company, and read the company’s resume. Check out reviews on websites like Glassdoor to get a sense of the culture and overall employee satisfaction. This will help you determine if the company is stable and has a good track record of treating its employees well. Always Ask Questions During an interview, don’t be afraid to ask questions about the company’s financial stability and their plans for growth. This will help you understand whether the company has a plan to navigate the tough times and whether they have plans for the future. realistic approach.”

Sharing her expertise, Nidhi Agarwal, Founder, Spacemantra, says, “When you start working at a startup, focus on learning as much as you can about the company and its operations. This will help you become more valuable to the company and increase your job security. Don’t wait for your manager to assign you a task – take the initiative to identify areas where you can add value and contribute to the company’s success. This will demonstrate your commitment to the company and make you a valuable member of the team. In addition, build relationships with your colleagues and managers and get to know people in different departments. This will help you understand how the company operates as a whole and increase your visibility within the organization.”

Sahil Arya, Co-Founder and Director, Fat Tiger said, “Startups can be unpredictable, so be prepared for changes in company strategy or direction. This may mean taking on new responsibilities or shifting your focus to different areas of the business. Try connecting with current and former employees to get a better understanding of the company culture, work-life balance, and other factors that may affect your experience as a fresher. This will help you gain insight into the layoffs and how they have affected the organization. Lastly, maintain a positive attitude and be ready to face challenges. This will help you stay focused on your goals and contribute to a positive and productive work environment. lay off Can be a challenging experience, but it can also provide unique opportunities for growth and learning. By doing your research, being adaptable, proactive and positive, you can make the most of your experience and thrive in your new role.”

Raghunandan Saraf, founder and CEO of Saraf Furniture, said, “Be early, in a startup, there may not be a well-established onboarding process, so it is up to you to take the initiative and look for information and resources. Ask, be curious, and take ownership of your learning. It’s natural to feel anxious or uncertain at the time of a layoff, but it’s essential to maintain a positive attitude and focus on your work. This will not only help you be productive but also help you be more productive toward the company. will also demonstrate your commitment and your willingness to contribute to its success. Also, before joining a startup, it is essential to research the company’s financial status, funding history, and its industry position. will help you assess the stability of your career and make an informed decision about whether or not to join. By doing your research, being adaptable, proactive and positive, you can make the most of your experience and thrive in your new role Are.

Hariom Seth, Founder, FindInk, said, “It is important to understand the current state of the company before joining a startup. Research the company’s financials and find out if there have been any recent layoffs. This will give you an idea of ​​what to expect and how to prepare yourself. Things can change quickly in a startup. Be prepared to be flexible with your role and responsibilities. You may be asked to perform tasks outside your job description, but this can also be an opportunity to learn new skills. Don’t wait for tasks assigned to you. Take initiative to find projects that need completion and ask for more responsibilities. This will show your managers that you are eager to learn and contribute. Plus, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of a startup, but don’t lose sight of your goals. Make a plan for your career and focus on achieving your goals. Lastly, be prepared for the worst case scenario. While it’s important to remain optimistic, it’s also important to have a backup plan in case of layoffs or other unforeseen circumstances.”

Sandeep Rana, Co-founder Netsetgo Media, said, “Entering a startup at a time of layoffs can be a challenging experience, but there are several tips that can help you navigate this situation successfully. The first step is to do a thorough research before joining the company. This includes the company’s financial stability, funding and recent layoffs. Having this information will give you a better understanding of the current state of the company and help you make an informed decision. Once you’ve joined a startup, it’s important to understand what your role is and how it fits into the company’s overall strategy. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what your responsibilities are and how you can contribute to the company’s success. This will help you stay focused and motivated even in times of uncertainty. Another important tip is to stay positive. It can be challenging to stay optimistic when a company is going through layoffs, but it’s important to remember that every company goes through ups and downs. Focus on your work and try to make a positive contribution to the company culture. This can help you build strong relationships with your colleagues and managers, which is essential for a startup.

He further added, “Talking about relationships, networking and building relationships with your colleagues and managers is important in a startup. By developing strong relationships, you will be in a better position to face any challenges and thrive in the future.” can also help prevent layoffs. This includes being open to collaboration and seeking opportunities to work with others. Finally, it’s also important to have an open conversation with your manager. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you have any concerns or questions. Your manager may be able to provide additional insight or reassurance that may help ease your concerns. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success. grow and thrive in a startup environment even in times of layoffs.”

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