TMC, BJP clash over black flags shown to Suvendu Adhikari at Hooghly rally

Leader of Opposition in Bengal Assembly Suvendu Adhikari faced a black flag protest during a rally at Tarakeswar in Hooghly district on Thursday. After this, a scuffle broke out between BJP and TMC supporters and both the factions pelted stones at each other.

At least 10 people were injured during the clash, out of which three were admitted to Tarakeswar Rural Hospital for treatment. Seven people were given first aid and were released.

The incident took place when BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari went to Tarakeswar to address a political gathering and was allegedly shown black flags by TMC men.

A group of people waved black flags in the procession, following which members of the saffron party blamed the agitators, a police official said.

BJP accuses TMC

After BJP workers claimed that TMC workers were trying to disrupt the rally, which was organized to criticize the TMC regime over allegations of corruption, senior leader Rahul Sinha also alleged that the participants were also pelted with stones. Gone.

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Speaking to the media, Shubhendu Adhikari said, “They pelted stones at us. At least five stones were thrown at us. More than a thousand goons entered here. The police is responsible for what happened today.”

“TMC is scared, the party can understand the growing anger of the public against its establishment. They are resorting to violence by targeting BJP leaders like Suvendu Adhikari. But people are with us.” BJP leader Rahul Sinha said members of the saffron party are taking out rallies in different parts of the state ahead of the ‘Nabanna Abhiyan’ march to the secretariat on September 13.

TMC denies

Refuting Sinha’s allegation, TMC’s Rajya Sabha MP Shantanu Sen said it was the BJP which created disturbances in Tarakeswar during the day.

“The BJP knows that it has no basis. Hence, they are desperate to spread unrest and create anarchy in Bengal. TMC workers were not involved in today’s incident in any way,” Sen insisted.

He also said that “people of the state are with TMC and communal, fascist forces like BJP will find no place in West Bengal despite their diabolical plots to topple the democratically elected Mamata Banerjee government.”

(with PTI inputs)

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