To rectify trade imbalance with China, India has raised import duties on several items, says Namgyal

Jamyang Tshering Namgyal, Lok Sabha MP of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Speaking at another press conference later in the day, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, BJP MP from Ladakh, said on December 19, 2022 that since the Line of Actual Control (LAC) has not been demarcated, the herdsmen in villages bordering with China has faced problems. The past too.

Mr. Namgyal said, “Due to lack of demarcation of the border, many such issues had come to the fore earlier also and are coming to the fore even today, will continue in the future as well. Until the border is demarcated, such issues will remain… It is a big issue, but Modiji is taking many steps like Vibrant Village Program to solve it.

As reported by The Hindu on September 20, the village head of one of the last settlements along the LAC in Ladakh’s Chushul said at least three large grazing areas near the village had been declared “no-mans” over the past year. Land” has been changed. or “buffer zone.” MoS Finance Dr Bhagwat Karad listed several initiatives and steps taken by the government to prevent terrorist activities.

He said that to rectify the trade imbalance with China, India has increased the import duty on items like toys and umbrellas. “We realized that umbrellas worth thousands of crores were being imported from China, the import duty on umbrellas was increased by 200%. This was to aid manufacturing in India,” the minister said.