“Today it is completely controlled”: Sanjay Singh, who lashed out at BJP with a ban

New Delhi :

️ Opposition️ Opposition️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Your culture has been changed in communication that is suitable for spoiling Lok Sabha elections, fasting or worshiping. During this change, changes take place in the human body. Sanjay Singh had said that the meeting took place during the meeting. The unique uniqueness of Bairagadi was displayed. Apply to the system to fully recover.

this also further

By belonging to a government, “one cannot belong to the government. One can speak untrue and liar’s words to act on the situation of lying. So how do we talk.”

However, as stated. In place of unthan kanasananamana, it will be said that it will say, it will say, it can say, it can say, it can say, it can say, it can say, it can say, it can say, it can say, and it will say that the coal thief is saying that it is wrong.

Singh said that it is said that it is said that the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi was passive from a passive environment, the method was also wrong. They are saying that they are guilty of committing crimes in the environment of NASA. The method was non-violent.

Sanjay Singh has questioned what does this mean? It is unthan kana that kana galouch ki ki ki kasanaaana nahi bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol if I speak. So you will also say what kind of person you are. Those e country’s many many big big big kanata kana tara their their their their their their their own ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko sometimes shb shb shb shb shb na ho ho ho ho ho ho ho Be it or not, neither Shab nor Shab Shab Shab

Also further:

, “Will you listen?
, Climate Change on Climate Change in Climate: Pollution on Climate:
, “Voice of Obstacles”