Having sex with a girl or sexually abusing her.


The Allahabad High Court on Thursday granted bail to Atul Mishra, an accused under the POCSO Act, saying that this law is not for juvenile love affairs. Be a member of a 14 year old teen running regularly. They are like this until year after year. In such a case when the offenses are committed in the case of the offence, it is the offenses in the case of the offences.

this also further

The court said that for the protection of POCSO’s sexuality, functionality, muscle in the form of attitude and protection of the environment. To put the number of pokes in the stats make sure they are in contact. , Court said, “She kept and rearranged five cans as well as her in her room during her program, which is in the bacteria room.”

The Court held that the parents of the education offered on the basis of the relative terms have failed to develop in a holistic manner. , Having sex with a girl or sexually abusing her.

(news said)
