Tomato Price Hike: 5 effective ways to store them for long

Image Source : FREEPIK Tomato Price Hike: 5 effective ways to store them for long

Tomatoes, a staple in most households, can be found in a variety of dishes ranging from salads to sauces. However now, when the prices of tomatoes have gone up, it can be difficult to keep up with the costs. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to store tomatoes and make them last longer. Here we will discuss six of these methods.

Freeze your tomatoes 

When you freeze your tomatoes, you can extend the life of the products and save money in the long run. To freeze tomatoes, start by washing them and cutting them into desired shapes or sizes. Place them on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet and place them in the freezer overnight. Once frozen, transfer them into freezer-safe bags for storage. 

Can your tomatoes

Canning your tomatoes is an excellent way to keep them fresh and preserve their flavour for a long time. While this method may take some time and require some special equipment, it is worth it as you can enjoy your canned tomatoes all year round. Start by washing the tomatoes and removing any bad spots or blemishes. Cut them into desired shapes or sizes before placing them in suitable jars with seasonings of your choice (salt, oregano, etc). When the jars are full, use a pressure cooker to seal the lids and process the tomatoes for storage. 

Dehydrate your tomatoes

Dehydrating your tomatoes is another great way to keep them around for a longer period of time. Start by washing and cutting your tomatoes into thin slices before laying them out on dehydrator racks. Allow your tomatoes to dry for about 12-18 hours or until completely dried out. When done, store the dried tomatoes in airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags for long-term storage. 

Pickle your tomatoes

Pickling your tomatoes is a great way to extend their shelf life and add flavour to your dishes. Start by washing and slicing the tomatoes before adding them into jars with the brine or vinegar mix of your choice (white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, etc). Let the mixture sit for about three days before transferring it into refrigerator-safe containers for storage. 

Store your tomatoes

Storing your tomatoes in olive oil is an excellent way to keep them fresh and flavourful for weeks or even months. Start by washing and slicing your tomatoes into desired shapes or sizes before adding them into jars filled with olive oil of your choice (extra virgin or light). Add garlic cloves and seasonings of your preference before sealing the jars and placing them into the refrigerator for storage. 

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