Top 5 Mysterious Mountains of the World That Prove Nature Crazy

Mountains are not only beautiful to look at, they are considered near heaven. When it comes to mountains, height is not everything. They come in a variety of forms and sizes, and the weirdest are usually the most appealing. Mountains cover 22 percent of the Earth’s surface. Apart from the visual charm, many mountain ranges also have mystical and whimsical qualities. Here is a list of the most mysterious mountain ranges around the world.

Nanda Devi, India

Nanda Devi mountain

second highest mountain in India Nanda Devi is The peak is 7,816 meters high and is in the Garhwal Himalaya region of Uttarakhand. It is named after Nanda Devi, who is believed to be the goddess of the districts of Chamoli, Pitorgarh and Bhageshree. There are many legends about the Nanda Devi mountains, and it is considered a sacred place.

Mount Kailash, Tibet Autonomous Region of China

Kailash mountain
Kailash mountain

Mount Kailash is considered one of the most sacred mountains in the world. The importance of these mountains is rooted in Hindu mythology and passed down over the decades. People believe that Lord Shiva is still alive and on the top of the mountain. No one has reached the top of the mountain so far and it is believed that there is a mysterious energy that prevents humans from reaching the top of the mountain.

Mount Sinai, Egypt

mount sinai mountain
mount sinai mountain

The summit is located in Egypt. According to beliefs, it was here that God spoke to Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments. Many people visit these mountain ranges every year because of the belief that God can be seen here. No one knows how much truth there is in this.

Mount Taranaki, New Zealand

View of Mount Taranaki (Mount Egmont), New Zealand
View of Mount Taranaki (Mount Egmont), New Zealand

This mountain is very important and sacred to the tribes living in the region. There is a river which flows near the mountain which makes this area habitable for humans.

Rainbow Mountain, China

rainbow mountain
rainbow mountain

The vibrant and varied colors of China’s Rainbow Mountain make it look unreal. The peaks, which can be found in the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park, are several hundred meters high. Mountains get their vibrant colors from the minerals compacted inside them.

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