Top Tech News – August 27: Podcast on Twitter, Netflix ad-based plan prices leaked and more

Last Update: 27 August 2022, 17:29 IST

Top tech news August 27, 2022.

Here are your top tech news of the day for August 27, 2022.

Keeping track of all the news happening around us is a daunting task, and people often lose track of everything that is happening around them, especially in the world of technology, where there is always a lot going on. Not to worry, we are here to bring you the top tech news every day. In today’s edition, we’ll talk about Podcasts on Twitter, Netflix’s new ad-based subscription plan, and a handy trick to improve your web browsing experience.

Twitter brings podcasts

Twitter has brought podcasts to its platform. Podcasts has been launched as part of a new Twitter Spaces update that brings a new tab that gives users a more personalized listening experience that includes both Podcasts and Spaces. Twitter said in its release that podcasts on the platform will include the most “popular and engaging” podcasts from around the world. The company has said that 45 percent of its users in the US listen to podcasts monthly, so the platform will suggest podcasts to help them easily find and listen to the topics they want to learn more about.

Netflix ad-based subscription price indicated

So Netflix Last month it announced its new ad-based affordable subscription plan, which the company is working on in partnership with Microsoft. A Bloomberg report has now suggested what the ad-based Netflix subscription prices could be. According to the report, the cost of an ad-based Netflix subscription can range between $7 to $9, which is around Rs 550 and Rs 720, respectively. Now, it still looks expensive, at least from the Indian POV, as it is the cheapest plan India 149 for mobile plan only. In India, the basic subscription costs Rs 199, the standard plan costs Rs 499 and the premium plan costs Rs 649. Looking at these prices, it is unlikely that the price in India will be the same as the rumored $7-9 price tag.

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